Description of the Facilities
The greenhouse area includes 5000 square meters under glass together with 2000 sqm working tables, 7 Saran houses (700 sqm) and halls for growth chambers. Due to the increasing demand for growth chambers we applied for two further halls and got the approval according Gentechnikgesetz (GenTG) in September 2003. The greenhouse staff comprises 9,5 gardener positions. The gardeners have to handle 80 - 100 cultur orders from scientists weekly. Around 3000 planting trays (size 0,25 sqm) are circulating. 30 cubic meters of soil substratum for planting are used every two months. By using an integrated pest and disease management we try to reduce chemical treatments. To rationalize and save energy and personal costs the following measures could be realized:
The cleaning procedure of the planting trays was centralized in a separate greenhouse compartment together with sterilisation equipment for transgenic plants and contaminated soil substratum.
A thermal inactivating procedure for transgenic Arabidopsis plants (secondary transformants) complete with seeds and cultivating soil substratum according §13 Gentechnik-Sicherheitsverordnung (GenTSV) was approved by the relevant authority Landesumweltamt NRW. This system takes some of the load off the autoclave and saves energy-costs considerably.
The inactivated plant and soil material is stored temporarily at the institut`s area. It accumulates to 7 cubic meters weekly.
Energy saving moveable lamps and drip irrigation were established in greenhouse department V.
Two automatic watering systems (Gießwagensysteme) for small scale field trials have been installed.
In addition, a "green group" is responsible for preparing field trials, cultivation of 4 hectars green area around the institute including the demonstration gardens, inactivation of plant and soil material from greenhouses and wastepaper disposal. In 2005 our facility got the approval to train 2 apprentices in horticulture. In August 2006 the first apprentice started his training.